Sunday "hygge" with Em, the Finn-style :) Dinner and a lot of pastry...mmm... Total wheat overdose:)
Emily made lussebullar.
Our pretty advent candles.
Rucola-gorgonzola pie for dinner, made by Em.
Then my time to shine. Homemade "julstjärnor" with homemade plum marmelade. Yup, I think I just might rule.
Me, doing my thing.
Julstjärnor / Joulutorttun.
We ate our christmas pastry and drank glögg, while it was snowing like crazy outside.
We youtubed... we watched wrongly translated Pingu, Kissie's videoblogs and "Sagan om saftkalaset".
We ate until our stomaches hurt...
The best way to spend a sunday!