Friday, March 26, 2010

DIY Shorts

Today was a day of victory, I finished my shorts! Overall I’m pretty pleased, even though they could have been better, like in the seems and stuff, but since I am a beginner, I forgive myself for not making them perfect.
But, I will tell you, they were a lot of work!! If you haven’t sewn anything before, don’t make anything like these if you don’t have anyone to hold your hand during the process. I had my teachers help me, and I would not have made it without them. So thank you for my new shorts.
Do you like them?
I'm very pleased with my choice of button. A leopard print for beige shorts. So maybe I do have an eye for detail;)
After we showed off our creations at school, we were rewarded with cake, soda, and easter eggs. So pretty much an awesome day at school.

Have a nice Easter holiday, those of you who have one:)